Richard Styner

Richard STYNER

My ISTE Portfolio

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Richard Styner Tech Quote

ISTE Coaching Project Part 5

Weekly Progress

            This project spanned 10 weeks, and involved 6 meetings. The school had a 2-week spring break, and we did not meet at that time.





(Feb 5)

Initial meeting with group of teachers to plan coaching for their classes. Begin research


(Feb 12)

Initial group of three bows out. Looking for new group


(Feb 19)

Contacted by former colleague about bad class behavior. 1st meeting to discuss blogging


(Feb 26)

Skype meeting with teacher, instruction in setting up Edublog accounts. Had to reassure teacher and help set appropriate ground rules


(Mar 5)

Meeting with teacher canceled, she had students set up accounts. As per my suggestion, students set up own accounts to increase buy in. Some inappropriate account names, but overall successful.


(Mar 12)

School on Spring Break, no meetings.


(Mar 19)

School on Spring Break, met March 22 to discuss topics for blogs, blogs are to be used for warm-ups. Students are using class iPad cart (first real use this year!) Decided to blog on Digital citizenship. 


(Mar 26)

Students blog at the beginning of class ever day this week.  They first blog for 5 minutes on the prompt, then have to find a classmates blog to respond to.  Blogs are mostly appropriate, and student interest is high! Class discusses blogging and digital citizenship Friday. I was not able to attend ( L ) but Ms. Murphy reports the discussion went well and students had positive attitudes towards blogging.


(Apr 2)

Students blog this week, but only twice


(Apr 9)

Meet with teacher once more, April 13. Discussed project, outcomes, future direction. Discuss expanding tech use, and starting next year with blogging.



